
Canned Food Drive To Benefit Local Church Food Bank

Mayberry Gardens is hosting a canned food drive to benefit the ACTS Methodist Church Pantry. This pantry provides meals and food for local residents in need. The pantry will accept all canned food items and boxed items such as pasta and rice. Boxes are placed in the front of each home to collect donations. The…


Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Conference: Focus on the Care Partner

The info below comes from the alz.org website. For information on registering for this conference please visit: http://www.alz.org/greaterdallas/in_my_community_63928.asp Join the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Dallas from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on November 5, 2014 for the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Conference. This conference will feature speaker, Anne Lipton, M.D., Ph.D, speaking on “The 7 Common Senses…

Humor in Aging

I found a funny quote from the clown character “Freddy the Freeloader” introduced by Red Skelton in his famous t.v. show in the 50’s. The quote says: “I don’t let old age bother me. There are three signs of old age: Loss of memory— I forgot the other two.”  


Alzheimers Training From Alz.org Local Chapter

Wanted to recognize Sara from the local chapter of the alz.org for coming to our community and bringing an excellent training on Alzheimer’s and dementia to our staff. We are trying to be informed as possible on caring for residents who suffer with Alzheimer’s and dementia and the training was very informative and interactive. Thank…