
July 4th Grilling

We had a great 4th of July at Mayberry Gardens. Thanks to the owners and the administrative team for grilling 150 hamburgers and 100 hot dogs. The residents really appreciated the effort and the burgers. Some of the residents in House 3 said it was their favorite meal since being here. Not only did we…


Alzheimer’s Association Art Program

Many families have been excited to find out that the local area chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association offers a Memories in the Making Art Program with specially trained volunteers each week at their local office in Dallas.  Art and music have a great potential to unlock memories and enrich the lives of people struggling with…


Guest Speaker to Attend Next Family Support Group Meeting April 15th at 7p.m.

We are excited that Pam Kovacs, the founder of The Friends Place Day Services, will be the guest speaker at our next family support group meeting.  She will be speaking on dementia and Alzheimer’s.  Look forward to seeing you there.  Thanks.


Remembering The King

Recently the residents at Mayberry Gardens had a tribute to Elvis and his legacy.  Below are some pictures and interesting facts about Elvis. Elvis’ famous black hair was dyed.  His natural color was brown His breakthrough hit was Heartbreak Hotel, released in 1956 – a song inspired by a newspaper article about a local suicide….