Container Gardening for Senior Living

Surrounding yourself with green plants and flowers is beneficial to your physical and mental well-being.  Beautiful floral displays and aromatic and therapeutic herbs may bring joy to anyone, but especially to senior citizens. Container Gardening for Senior Living can truly be the missing link. Problems with yard gardening Though gardening activities help to stave off osteoporosis,…

When is it Time for Memory Care

Dementia is not like other health conditions, which develop suddenly. It comes on gradually. When people talk about dementia, they commonly discuss the symptoms of loss of memory, extreme confusion, and disorientation, but there are other symptoms that are easily overlooked and hard to understand.  Symptoms – Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia include agitation, sleeplessness,…

Caring for Those with Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s

Managing Alzheimer’s is difficult for family members and for those suffering from the disease. In the middle stages of Alzheimer’s, afflicted seniors may suddenly become confused about what they are doing or forget important information. As a result, they also start to lose their independence. Any one of these would be a frustrating experience, yet for those with middle…